Wednesday, January 1, 2025


"The Only Reason Why God Almighty Kali Ma Durga IMAAN KrsNa  out of her causeless mercy created the Human Body was to allow the fallen souls to have an opportunity to Rise To the Kingdom Of God and leave the cycle of reincarnation!" 

KrSna Is the proprietor of all Planets and She Created the Earth out of her causeless mercy to give all fallen souls a living habitat in which living entities could evolve from lower forms of life into divine Servants of God Almighty Krsna The supreme authority over All That Is!

" Living on this earth is not a reward nor anything to glamorize or become accustomed to! There is nothing normal about living in a natural habitat in which something is eating something else while inflicting horrible pain on it's prey!" Such as a spider feeding on a fly while she is alive  that gets caught on his web. There is nothing normal about severely mentally ill men distorting and falsifying, utilizing sacred technology to hurt other living entities while rooting their violence on women by continuing the programming of systematic rape of little girls, women, boys and men in every country!"

Sunday, December 15, 2024





God Almighty Kali Ma IMAAN Durga KrsNa Adores all her Hispanic Children that were created in the image and likeness of God and were given the opportunity to be incarnated into human bodies so they could evolve and achieve god realization rather than to be oppressed by the Caucasian closeted Homosexual Male that has recognized Himself as a superior race because he has been abled to falsify sacred technology and because he has been able to manufacture the brutal sexual assault of the Caucasian Female and forced these women to allow herself to be exploited in order to have food, water, shelter and protection from the Caucasian Male that has literally brainwashed the Caucasian Female into becoming a good employee of His  industry of prostitution and pornographic films by inflicting psychological assault and physical assault into the body and the mind of the Caucasian Female for hundreds of years most notably during the Caucasian Homosexual Male planned event Known as "War World 2" during which millions of women were brutally tortured, raped  and experimented on in order to create  the United States Of America, The Chinese,  NATO and The Soviet Union's War Machine that was build on the brutal abuse of Women of every country! 

The Only reason why God Almighty Kali Ma Durga IMAAN Krsna created women was for women to achieve god realization not to be raped with Kundalini Technology nor to be forced to allow herself to be raped by men in order to have food, water, shelter, and protection from mentally ill men, nor were women created to be  physically gang raped by mentally ill soldiers or civilian men nor were women created to be neglected, and abused and to be forced to serve the very mentally ill greedy ignorant Caucasian Homosexual Male that has build perverse alliances with very cruel and greedy closeted homosexual black men, and Asian men ( Muslims, Hindus..) who  enjoy inflicting psychological and sexual torture on women, little girls, boys and men. The whole world has witness how the Satanic men posing as "Muslims" that have distorted the Holy Quran a beautiful holy book that forbids hurting other living entities and raping little girls and women, boys, and men, the use of inflicting torture??  and stealing?? Satanic Arab men that are very close good friends with the Satanic Caucasian Males of The West that  planned and allowed the brutal torture and rape of the Israeli Civilian people, and and the military personnel and the Palestinian People during and after their massacre event of October 7th, 2023 and the Massacre that is still taken place right now December 2024, in Gaza, in the same way that the mentally Ill Satanic Caucasian male from the West from the United States Of America and the Satanic Mentally ill men from the East have allowed and supported the torture and rape of the Ukrainian and Russian Women, Children, and men. This world is already very uncomfortable and dangerous for a fallen soul in the body of a human being that needs water, air, and food in order to survive,  a fallen soul that can no longer do space travel without space ships. A soul incarcerated in a body destined to feel pain, sickness, old age, death and rebirth in another material body.  Nor can a fallen soul ascend to the "kingdom of god!" and leave the cycle of reincarnation without going through the process of Mind Purification. Everything we do to others comes back to us. I wish I could change that fact of life but this whole thing is based  on common sense and reason. This Earth is Krsna and she supports the ascension of her children  into the Kingdom Of God that currently trapped in the cycle of reincarnation! The mentally ill men that have taken over the administration of the the so call " Superior Countries" who think that they are  god "Kings?" because they can beat up and gang rape little girls,  women, boys and men and steal their lunch money,  these mentally ill men's job  is to faithfully serve God Almighty Lord Krsna and to direct all the world's population towards God realization rather than to torture innocent people and to plunder what belongs to God Almighty Kali Ma Durga IMAAN Lord Krsna . 

 God Almighty Kali Ma IMAAN Durga Krsna the supreme controller of the Universal Mind, Creator of All That Is rejects mercilessly anyone that harms her devoted children discourages and blocks their ability to leave the cycle of reincarnation by continuing the merciless physical, sexual,  psychological assault programming of little girls, women, boys, and men in every country that keeps human being incarnating into lower bodies ! Preventing a living entity such as a human being to ascend into the Kingdom of God is a grave crime that cannot be pardon. This Crime is judged by all divinity as Guru Aparadha! God Almighty Kali Ma IMAAN Durga Krsna Is the Only Guru! Om Tat Sat



                                             tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

om ajñana- timirandhasya jñanañjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave

 sri-caitanya-nityananda sri-advaita-sita hari guru vaisnava bhagavata gita

sri-rupa sanatana bhatta-raghunatha sri-jiva gopala-bhatta dasa rhagutta

( Ki) Yay!

The people walking in darkness
    have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness
    a light has dawned.

You have enlarged the nation

    and increased their joy;
they rejoice before you
    as people rejoice at the harvest,
as warriors rejoice
    when dividing the plunder.
 For as in the day of Midian’s defeat,
    you have shattered
the yoke that burdens them,
    the bar across their shoulders,
    the rod of their oppressor.
 Every warrior’s boot used in battle
    and every garment rolled in blood
will be destined for burning,
    will be fuel for the fire.
 For to us a child is born,
    to us a sun is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God Krsna,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
 Of the greatness of his government and peace
    there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
    and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
    with justice and righteousness
    from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty Krsna
    will accomplish this.

Sunday, December 8, 2024


vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

om ajñana- timirandhasya jñanañjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave

 sri-caitanya-nityananda sri-advaita-sita hari guru vaisnava bhagavata gita

sri-rupa sanatana bhatta-raghunatha sri-jiva gopala-bhatta dasa rhagutta

( Ki) Yay!

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Segun ciertas fuentes de informacion existen aproximadamente 663 millones de personas en America Latina y El Caribe cuales los avaros  rasistas Machos Misogino homosexuales Satanicos Zionistas que pertencen a la rasa Caucasica ( Machos de los Estados Unidos y de Europa que han entrenado a los negros de los Estados Unidos De America y los machos Latinos "Hispanos" que viven en Los Estados Unidos De America a que continuen explotando a los habitantes de America Latina y el Caribe y que continuan programando la violacion sexual sistematica ) junto con los Machos Asiaticos (Hindus, Arabes, y Chinos, Japones, y otros)  siguen buliando  sin merced  663 milliones de personas cuales los Zionistas Satanicos Misoginos han opremido y explotado con el uso de la programacion de tortura sicologica y la tortura  fisica que a sido enraisada con  la practica de la programacion de  violacion sexual sistematica  en todo pais en America Latina y el Caribe,  programacion de violacion sexual sistematica que tiene origen en la violacion sexual de la mujer militar, el Ser que es la leder y protectora de todas la mujeres, los niños y los hombres. La mujer militar es la representante de Dios Todo Poderoso IMAAN el Señor Brahma El Señor VisNu El Senor Shiva El Señor Narasimha IMAAN puri "God Almighty the Sun!" Los  Machos Zionistas Satanicos han destabilizado la mente de los seres humanos y han logrado a convertir  a todos los paises de America Latina y el Caribe en regiones Sub desarrolladas ( Third World Countries) cuales Los Zionistas Racistas Misoginos actualmente continuan explotando y robando sin restriciones, y de esta forma mantenien a todos los habitantes de esta regiones en niveles de pobresa  que no tiene rason ni justificacion ante Dios Todo Poderoso IMAAN que es generoso y compasivo con todas las almas caidas!   Dios TodoPoderoso IMAAN es el dueño absoluto de este planeta tierra y de todos los planetas y El rechasa severamente a cualquier Ser que intencionalmente daña la conecion entre la mente del Ser Humano con La dividad spiritual "Dios TodoPoderoso IMAAN El Sol!" al seguir programando la violacion Sexual Systematica con el uso de la technologia kundalini y la violacion sexual fisica,  y al seguir distorcionando y falsificando la technologia spiritual que tiene origen en Las Vedas.  Om Tat Sat

Saturday, November 23, 2024

 I attest before all divinity to the sincerity, nobility, kind, loving,  trusting intelligent nature of all Latino people and our inherent transcendental ability to faithfully serve and love "God Almighty IMAAN the Sun! " and that we have been maliciously programmed with lies and heinous phycological and brutal physical torture for 100s of years, by the greedy selfish genocider biggot plaguers Satanist Zionist from Europe and the so called "West" and the other Greedy Ignorant rapists biggots in Asia in order to steal our devotion to "God Almighty Lord Krsna Narasimha Puri IMAAN The Sun!" in order to steal our divine inheritance of limitless abundance, and instead to force us into slavery, sexual depravation and evolutionary ruin!

 Latino people that have been forced out of their lands, strip of all their self esteem, and displaced all over the world. Latino people whose memory of their divine origin with "God Almighty IMAAN the Sun!" has been brutally Physically raped from them, with the use of systematic rape, heinous physical torture, used  by lying  biggots genociders plaguers, rapists Zionists Satanist cowards, that have maliciously programmed the mind of Latino men to continue to rape women, and little girls,  and to self destruct both spiritually and physically, while maintaining their countries in a complete state of economic decline, chaos, disunity and ruin! ( The inherent nature of a living entity be it a woman or a man  is goodness,  and when the mind of a man  is  programmed to act against the laws of GodAlmighty IMAAN the Sun, only ruin follows the man, the family, the friends, and the nations) I ask for the causeless mercy of God Almighty IMAAN to please forgive us and please deliver us from the severe oppression of these greedy selfish ignorant rapist genocider biggots plaguer faggots who are very articulate and professional at stealing and torturing defenceless women and children, Men who think that they are god? because they can beat up women and get them raped and tortured! "God Almighty IMAAN the Sun! Hagase Tu Voluntad! Om Tat Sat

Friday, November 22, 2024

 "La Violacion Sexual Sistematica es la peor tortura creada en la mente enferma de animal macho mayor avaro misogino homosexual Satanico. Macho Misogino asqueroso repugnante cobarde Animal que esta convensido que el es superior a " Dios Todopoderoso IMAAN el señor Narasimha Puri!  Porque tiene dinero y armas? Animal macho cochinada cosa lambe culos vieja mentirosa marica  que envidia con hostilidad y sin merced a el animal mayor hembra.  Actualmente el animal macho mayor Satanico pertence a la raza Caucasico, Negro EstadoUnidense, Asiatico (Arabes y Chinos, Japoneses, Koreanos, Hindus...) que   ciertas personas indentifican como Zionistas!  La  Violacion Sexual Sistematica es el origin de la tortura de Abuso Sicologico, y  La Violacion Sexual que actualmente se sigue programando y utilizando  en todo pais acontra de toda Hembra de todas las razas. Este  severo crimen fue concientemente creado por el Animal Macho Mayor Satanico Zionusta Homosexual que invadio la casta de Bhramana en la region que actualmente se conoce como el Pais de La India, y falsifico todas las Vedas (la technologia spiritual) y se disfrazo de Sacerdote, de swamis,  de gurus, de Rabis, de Vaishnavans y continuo programando a todo macho de todo pais que continuara abusando sicologicamente y sexualmente a toda hembra en todo pais, para poder explotarla y robarla y forsarla a que construyera sus imperios y continuara manteniendo a el Macho Satanico  homosexual Animal Mayor!  Este grave crimen no tiene perdon y es jusgado por "Dios TodoPoderoso IMAAN El Señor Krsna El Señor Narasimha, como el crimen de guru aparadha!

Saturday, November 16, 2024

"Dios TodoPoderoso es todo lo que se conose como "La Dinastia Del Sol" Om Kali Ma IMAAN Krsna El Señor VishNu , Shiva, Brahma, Surya, Narayana, Anunaki, Dazhbog, Midas, EloHim, Yemaya, KaMi, Satanama,Amateresu, Allah, Ishtar, Isis, thoth, Al-lat, Al-Luza, Manat, Suhe', Jesu Cristo, La Virgen Del Chiquinquira, Durga, Laksmi, Vivasvan, Narajan, Dazbog, Tagaloa, Tama Nui-Te-Ra KRSNA Narasimha Puri IMAAN es el alma del Sol y todos los millones de nombre significan KRSNA Om Tat Sat





   "Dios TodoPoderoso IMAAN Tiene Zero Tolerancia ante la programacion de Violacion Sexual Sistematica de toda mujer de todas razas,  en todos los paises, y en todos los planetas!"Om Tat Sat     

  "The Only Reason Why God Almighty Kali Ma Durga IMAAN KrsNa  out of her causeless mercy created the Human Body was to allow the falle...