Thursday, March 7, 2024

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye Over 5,000 years and counting of horrible violence against women in every country!

 om ajñana- timirandhasya jñanañjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah  

yo ’jñāna-mattaṁ bhuvanaṁ dayālur ullāghayann apy akarot pramattam  sva-prema-sampat- sudhayādbhutehaṁ śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanyam amuṁ prapadye

Prem-se kaho Sri Krsna Caitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhar, Srivas, Adi Gaura Bhakta Vrinda Ki! (Jai)

Sri Sri Rhada Krsna! Sri Narasimha Bhagavan! Praladha maharaja! Jagatha Puri Ki (Jai)

No matter how perverted or the degree of sexual deviancy that you are afflicted with you can purify your mind. You may like your god fearing religious women to be "broken In" or you may like your little sex toys both little boys and little girls to be virgins before you rape them. You may like to watch pornographic films and masturbate to watching women being raped, men being raped or women being gang raped and men being gang raped. You may like to pay for sex with a meal and ride to the grocery store, coffee or some beer and drugs. But you can change your mind with complete abandon to the care of god and admit to Him and to everyone in the world that you are powerless over sexual perversion and sexual experimentation and that you know that these qualities are part of a mental malady that will send you to jail. 

You can purify your mind  through the action of taking complete surrender at the Lotus Feet of Lord Gopala Krsna! Having fantasies about raping the innocence of a child is grave mental disorder even if the child is an elderly woman. It becomes a big problem when the current homosexual religious leaders and homosexual military leaders continue to support brutal "Violence Against Women" and continue to program boys and men to assault women of all ages and  to rape them and that when they get tired of raping women, making them pregnant with unwanted children, giving women venereal diseases, men can move on to raping other women and making them pregnant or forcing them to have abortions, then, men can continue to rape little boys, young men and older men! 

In most sacred writings and essays you will continue to find how this military homosexual men and religious homosexual men have remove all  "protections" and "benefits" that "god"  Lord Gopala Krsna supreme personality of god head Cause of All Causes and All That Is gives to women, and instead this homosexual military men and the homosexual religious leaders present Lord Gopala Krsna as a god that protects cows "Only"  

A god, that gives the authority to the homosexual religious  men and the homosexual military men  to exploit women, to be rapists 'womanizers' that should enjoy sexual experimentation  and sexual deviancy with all kinds of people and lower animals such as pigs and donkeys and German Shepards...  A god that is a women beating rapist deity, that gives the homosexual women beating military brahmin the authority to continue to teach the men in the world to use "Violence Against Women"   in order to compete with them, to exploit them and to get them out the way by either forcing them to become pregnant in order to staff their war machine and their materialistic industry of complete failure that excludes compassion and kindness, an industry that is currently fully staffed with parasitic human beings that are raised to rape, beat up, steal and kill their own mothers, their own sisters, their own daughters or to get women out of their way by forcing the programming of alcohol addiction and drug use. And, this successful programming of alcohol use, and drug addiction has proven to be an effective method for women to use in order to cope with  Over 5,000 years and counting of brutal "Violence Against Women." and this programming of alcohol use and drug abuse, guarantees a soul to incarnate  into the bodies of lower species such as an ant, worms.... trees, plants... when the soul leaves the human body that it is occupying.

It becomes a big problem when  greedy homosexual religious leaders and greedy homosexual military leaders remove all "protections" and "benefits" from all women in every country and instead steal all their god given wealth with brutal force with the assistance of their corrupt homosexual attorneys that they have educated to help them continue to plunder all the wealth from women for their boys only selfish reasons that have literally taken this entire civilization in to a more horrible dangerous and painful way of life that has become more expensive for everyone.

 God gave women all the "benefits" and "protections" that they needed in order for them to be able to carry out their karmic expiation that in some cases includes having children.  Giving birth to children is a very painful sacrifice that women carry out in order to give a soul the opportunity to incarnate into a human body so that it can return to the spiritual sky, and leave this horrible world of suffering, birth and rebirth, not so that the soul of their child once again gets stuck here in this horrible world. It is clearly stated in all sacred scriptures, The Lord created this earth and gave everything to humanity for free. The Lord gave humanity religious mandates for all of humanity to obey in order to return to our eternal kingdom in the spiritual sky, the "Kingdom of God". The Kingdom of god is not on this earth, this earth is a horrible prison, thinking that the "Kingdom of God" can be created here on this earth is a waste of time for everyone. Thinking that "The Kingdom of God" can be created in this world with "Violence Against Women" and harvesting meat in slaughter houses does not make sense. On this earth there is always something or someone having to hurt something else in order to survive, this way of life is not normal, adapting to this way of life is literally spiritual suicide. Our souls are eternal and your soul is the only part of you that can once again reach "The Kingdom of God", not a space craft or how well you are able to understand math and science nor how physically strong you are or whether you are master yogi and meditator.

 The Lord can change his mind about anything, and although he is the source of all incarnations it becomes a big problem when the Homosexual Military Brahmin men makes himself god and maliciously removes the "benefits" and "protections" for all women in every country that includes the death penalty for "rape" and "gang rape" it becomes a big problem when  Homosexual Brahmin men and homosexual military men forces his will on god fearing religious women and  does not obey nor enforces god's mandates of moral behavior thus denying the existence of his creator and while this is "OK!" for some of us! This is not "OK!" with me. To ruthlessly program this reality that homosexual men are the gods of this world, and that women were created for them to exploit them and to rape them  is a severe offence at the Lotus Feet of Lord Gopala Krnsa!  to maliciously  program women to become prostitutes/ illicit sex  in order for them to have a home, food, water and protection from the law is big problem for all of us, and a severe offence at the Lotus feet of Lord Gopala Krsna! These ignorant greedy homosexuals continue their ridiculous protests that defends their pig ignorant way of life, with the excuse, that no one should be worried about an after life because we can't remember our past lives and that we wont be held accountable for something that we can't remember! And, that humanity should enjoy pain and suffering. "Pain feels good!" "Pain is sexy and hot!" and that when We human beings die is "Over!" that's it! So, don't worry about anything, lie, cheat, steal, rape, kill, and hurt anyone for fun and pleasure, nothing bad will happen to you if you do these things, and while this is "OK!" with you! The Lord can change his mind about anything! and this is not "OK!" with me, because we are in this together and your ignorance is dragging me down!

Sexual deviancy of any kind will keep your soul locked in a state of animality, moving from being a human being to being incarnated in the body  of a pig, a dog, a chicken, a rooster, a cock roach...! And, although this may be "OK!" for some people this is not the case for all of us. Some of us, are ready to leave this prison! Some of us, don't want to get in any more trouble that extends our prison sentence. Mocking, this facts of life with ignorant music and entertainment that reinforces the programing of "rape" "illicit Sex", alcohol use, meat eating, creates an endless cycle of suffering and pain not only for the people in the United States Of America and Europe but for the rest of the world , thus, sabotaging and corrupting the entire civilization's ability to get out of this horrible prison, and while this may be "OK!" for homosexual men, this is not "OK!" for me. You will never ever attain eternal happiness in this world! You will never stop suffering or experiencing karmic retribution in any spiritual platform! We fell from grace when we were in the Spiritual Sky, the law of cause and effect is present there! Let us re establish protections  and benefits for all women kind in all countries, that includes giving all women in every country free housing, free education, free health care, so that they are able to bind themselves to Lord Gopala Krsna and return to their eternal home, the spiritual sky Lord Gopala Krsna adores his mother, all women are mothers! -All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! All Glories to Srila prabhupada!

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