Sunday, March 17, 2024

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye Lord Gopala Krsna Sunday's Darshan : Over 5,000 years of brutal abuse of women because the envious, hateful and cruel homosexual religious leaders of all religions taught the military men that women were responsible for the fall of men into the material universes and then the homosexual men of science put everything into writings including laws that legalize Violence Against Women!

 om ajñana- timirandhasya jñanañjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah  

yo ’jñāna-mattaṁ bhuvanaṁ dayālur ullāghayann apy akarot pramattam  sva-prema-sampat- sudhayādbhutehaṁ śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanyam amuṁ prapadye

Prem-se kaho Sri Krsna Caitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhar, Srivas, Adi Gaura Bhakta Vrinda Ki! (Jai)

Sri Sri Rhada Krsna! Sri Narasimha Bhagavan! Praladha maharaja! Jagatha Puri Ki (Jai)

On this Sunday let us meditate on Genesis 2:4-3:24  keeping in mind the "Absolute Truth"  1.The Law of reincarnation is as real as computers  2. The Law of Cause and Effect is as real as satellites and spaceships.

On this Sunday, let us admit our complete failure, that we can be wrong about "Everything!"  and that we can make a " one eighty degree turn" in order to save our souls from falling into lower bodies such as lions, and tigers, insects... plants, shrubs, rocks...  falling into lower bodies is literally "DEATH!" for a soul that is currently in a human body!

 Let us meditate on the "Absolute Truth"  that the current  abuse of women at the hands of homosexual religious leaders,  homosexual military men  and the homosexual men of science is no longer  Karmic Retribution  but rather brutal merciless attacks on women by ignorant homosexual men who think that they are superior than women because they are able to slander women, to defame women,  to get women raped, to get women beat up, and killed,  in order to get them out of the way, or to be able to continue to legally exploit women and keep all the wealth and knowledge for themselves, homosexual men who have legalized Violence Against Women in every country for over 5,000 years by distorting and corrupting the Lord's sacred teachings i.e... spiritual technology.

There is no reason why a man should feel hate and envy towards a woman on  this day in age. If  a man wants to experience sexual interactions with another man he should ask for the causeless mercy of the Lord to have him be born into the body of a female human body in the next life and that once he is in a female human body  she is allowed to find her  life partner her eternal husband and that she is spared from committing the crime of illicit sex prior to getting married.  Homosexuality, will absolutely keep you stock in cycle of reincarnation. If you must have physical sex, let that sacrifice be dedicated to give the opportunity for a new soul to be born into this world let  the soul of that child be raised in the loving care of two partners female and male that are able to guide their child in the path of "god realization." Otherwise, stay celibate until the last day of your life. A human body is still categorized as a lower animal in the evolutionary scale. It is wise to maintain one self in harmony with divinity and avoid sexual experimentation. Your goal in life is to achieve "god realization" not to be caught up in sexual experimentation that down grades your soul in to lower bodies of existence such as "gut worms"

A man should not feel shame to remain a virgin until his honey moon when he finds his life partner.  He should  do everything in his power to purify his desires and remain celibate for the rest of his life if he does not want to marry a woman. Humans carry karmic residue associated with sexual interactions with the same sex from past lives for instance when a soul is incarnated in the body of  a "gut worm" or a "Macaque monkey" and other mammals, aquatics, and birds that have been known to have same sex relationships with each other. After the soul finally incarnates into the body of a human being it is natural to feel that karmic residue that feels like sexual desire for the same sex. However,  human beings have the intelligence to have self control and to not act out lower animalistic sexual behavior,  karmic residue that makes a human male feel that is natural for a man to have sex with another man. It is not natural nor divine to carry out lower desires to have intercourse with the same sex, desiring to have sex with the same sex is due to accumulation of karmic residue that needs to be purified and cleared if the soul is ready to rise to the "Kingdom of God".  Through earnest prayer  (Chanting the Maha Mantra ) and surrender to Lord Gopala Krsna, by meditating on the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Reincarnation and chanting the Maha Mantra you can purify your mind and this will help you to not cross boundaries that will bring about very painful rude awakenings. 

Sadly, the Absolute Truth has been covered up by the closeted homosexual educators and scientists that have sold their fictional rhetoric that the Law of Cause and Effect is a fairy tale and that the Law of Reincarnation is not real and at this point the ignorance of these people have brought about very painful karmic lessons to humanity that are now positioned at the very bottom of the evolutionary scale.

Being alone is only torture if you do not have a connection with god. Being alone is only torture for a man and a woman who still desires to achieve materialistic enjoyment and to remain in this prison A man or a woman can focus his or her attention to attain the highest goal in life  for a human being. She or He can prepare himself or herself for the pending time of death that awaits for us in every corner. Every breath we take may be our last breath. The highest goal in life is to become god's servant and leave this world of suffering. This world is a prison that no one in the right mind should wish to adapt to or glorify.

 If a man desires to have sex with little boys and little girls he should ask for Lord Nytyananda Prabhu's causeless mercy to direct him to a group of people where he can share this mental malady and be able to purify this very dangerous thinking even it means putting himself in jail and allowing himself to receive the mercy of psychological treatment. Complete surrender to the care of god, and a good support group can purify the sickest of mind as long as you are honest with yourself, and place faith over fear. It is better to ask for the causeless mercy of Lord Nityananada prabhu and ask for him to forgive you and then kill yourself rather than to have sex with children or to molest children.  

Desiring and having homosexual sex will make your soul fall into lower bodies of animals such as monkeys, dogs,  God, gave humanity the opportunity to connect himself or herself with Him with the sacred and very intimate relationship that a human being can have with god that was taught by Lord Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu known as the "Conjugal Relationship with the Lord" while  the devotee  chants "the Maha Mantra"  daily,  no exceptions, this teaching was a very generous and merciful teaching for humanity to learn in order to use his/her sexual desire and sexual pleasure and sensuality to purify the mind and be able to leave the material universes and return to the "Kingdom Of God"  our home. This technology i.e teaching, has now been corrupted and weaponized by the homosexual religious leaders and the homosexual military leaders and the homosexual men of science  that are absolutely sure that they are the gods of this earth and this very mistaken way of thinking has made life in this planet more dangerous and expensive for all of humanity that is naturally incline to serve and love god. 

"Violence Against Women" is a more severe crime than eating meat and killing a cow. Refusing to accept this fact of life, and still defending "Violence Against Women"  should give you an idea of how sick our minds have been programmed to be by ignorant greedy homosexual men that are planning to continue this ignorant way of life for many more years into the future while trapping the souls of all living entities in this painful horrible prison... 

(According to Puranic sources,[a] Krishna's death marked the end of Dvapara Yuga and the start of Kali Yuga, which is dated to 17/18 February 3102 BCE.[9][10] Lasting for 432,000 years (1,200 divine years), Kali Yuga began 5,125 years ago and has 426,875 years left as of 2024 CE.[11][12][13] Kali Yuga will end in the year 428,899 CE.[14][b]  )

Based on this timeline, we have 426,875 thousand years of greedy ignorant psychotic homosexual men running this world and leading humanity into more horrific blood baths that includes torturing and killing other living entities in other planets in order to colonize and continue to plunder for their selfish ignorant way of life  that negates the existence of their own creator "Lord Gopala Krsna!" while controlling the population with bio weapons, wars, famine, and more "Violence Against Women". While this may be a great intelligent plan, for greedy ignorant homosexual  men this is not a great intelligent plan for the rest of humanity, who were created to achieve god realization and to become the Lord's divine servants and return to the "Kingdom of god" and continue their spiritual unfoldment.

 It will be Lord Gopala Krsna who will decide the length of time that humanity will be locked up in this prison, not, a few greedy homosexuals of all races that have zero interest in allowing humanity to achieve god realization. Selfish ignorant and cruel homosexual men who are currently in complete control of all the physical technology and all the ways of communication, including spreading damaging malicious gossip that allows them to continue to promote their sick and merciless  programming "Violence Against Women" in every country.

Regardless, of this current situation do your best to surround yourself with people who truly understand that "Violence Against Women" and Violence against other living entities, is literally spiritual suicide.  Don't be afraid to report attacks that are being directed at you because you love god with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength and your sincere religious beliefs excludes Violence Against Women! Do your best to not program yourself with more violence that only makes ignorant homosexuals more rich. Alcohol use and drug addiction is "DEATH" for a soul incarnated into a human body, when you eat meat, you are eating pain, suffering, death and illness, when you have illicit sex/rape you are transforming yourself into a lower animal... like a pig or a dog... a monkey... A human body is your rare opportunity to become an "Angel" again,  and rise to the "Kingdom of God"  rather than to be stock here in this prison for billions of years... Be aware that not all human beings have the opportunity to live in countries where you are given the right to have "religious freedom" use this opportunity to rise to the "Kingdom of God" If you are a soul in the body of a woman or a man that is sick and tired of being trapped in the cycle of reincarnation  and you are able to connect to a god of your understanding and you feel a great desire to leave this world of suffering that means that you have been in this world for trillions of years moving from one body to the next body and that you are now ready to leave this prison and go back home! - All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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