tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye
om ajñana- timirandhasya jñanañjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah
yo ’jñāna-mattaṁ bhuvanaṁ dayālur ullāghayann apy akarot pramattam sva-prema-sampat- sudhayādbhutehaṁ śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanyam amuṁ prapadye
Prem-se kaho Sri Krsna Caitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhar, Srivas, Adi Gaura Bhakta Vrinda Ki! (Jai)
Sri Sri Rhada Krsna! Sri Narasimha Bhagavan! Praladha maharaja! Jagatha Puri Ki (Jai)
Gopala Krsna Ki (Jai)
During this Sacred Ekadashi let us meditate on the current active Generals of the United States Of America that orchestrate the management of almost every country in the world especially, Central America, South America, Africa and others https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_duty_United_States_Army_major_generals and the men and woman that work for this War Criminal serial rapist pedophile :https://www.cia.gov/about/director-of-cia/ that illegally attaches himself to Vaishnabis sexual organs and other men and women that they want to hurt or eliminate, and inflict phycological and physical trauma and their first line of defense was to train women beating rapist men from the Middle East to help them orchestrate the 9-11 event, and
blow up the World Trade Center in order to plunder the Middle East :https://www.cia.gov/about/director-of-cia/ The Director of C.I.A that is a Master Mind at the production of biological weapons and orchestrated the COVID -19 Pandemic with his many associates including the W.H.O World Health Organization and other men made plagues such as the HIV - Virus, Ebola, Flesh Eating Diseases and more... 25.6 million people living with AIDS in Africa that The C.I.A director and his agents and Coorporations have given AIDS to https://www.cia.gov/about/director-of-cia/ The C.I.A that forces the Colombian people to produce and distribute cocaine for The United States Of America and European people, and are in fact. The masterminds of the current Fentanyl epidemic in the United States Of America, that they supervise and allow to take place in all the schools of this country to continue to cripple the spiritual evolution of the children, youth and elderly people https://www.cia.gov/about/director-of-cia/ God Fearing Devotees lets "USE!" our Telepathic abilities and order this men and women to resign immediately, and to self identify themselves as War Criminals , serial rapists and terrorists! The American people do not have to worry about Russia or Putin the great! nor China! it is their own military and intelligence agencies and the corporation that they need to worry about! It is their own Intelligence Agency and Military that are planning to continue to hurt them, with their multi racial street teams that are ready to create events such as robberies, illegal entries, car thefts, physical assaults, consumer fraud, bank fraud, credit card fraud, posing as employers and writing fraudulent checks, more rapes, for this agencies as long as they get paid a salary averaging $5,000.000 a month, to lie, to cheat and to steal from the honest working class people that sustain the economy of the United States Of America.
These Generals and members of the Central Intelligence Agency have lied, deceived and deliberately hurt not only the American people but everyone else in the world with their absolute support and enforcement of merciless "Violence Against Women" of every race in every country, in order for them to protect the interest of Corporations that have cut off every person of every race's connection with god the absolute supreme authority of this earth planet, and all the living entities in all of creation that HE created, and have in turn severely hurt and enslaved human beings in the very painful and severe cycle of reincarnation moving from one body to the next for eternity.
let's ask for Lord Nityananada's causeless mercy to replace these very merciless greedy and ignorant men and women who have abused and corrupted the power that god the Absolute Supreme Authority of All That Is gave these Generals and their associates from the Central Intelligence Agency in order protect and take care of everyone of every race in the world and instead have betrayed god their creator and the people that they are suppose to serve in order to fulfill their temporary materialistic pleasures by supporting and protecting the World's Corporations such the Pharmaceutical Industry, W.H.O (World Health Organization) Microsoft and the others Corporations that have build their fortunes with ruthless and cruel "Violence Against Women". Let's ask Lord Nityananda to please replace this men and women with qualified managers both men and women that truly care about supporting the growth and spiritual unfoldment of every human being in every country of every race!
Let's ask Lord Nityananada Prabhu, to replace all these generals and personnel from the Central Intelligence Agency : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_duty_United_States_Army_major_generals that have severely hurt the American people, and everyone else in the world. Let this active duty personnel be replaced with qualified men and women chosen by god the absolute creator and authority of All That Is, that will help recover this Vedic Civilization to a state of mental health, emotional health, physical health, financial health and spiritual health by once again directing all human beings in the path of spiritual righteousness! While protecting the safety of every woman and children of every race and god fearing men of every race in every country who practice the virtuous qualities of Tolerance, Compassion, Kindness, Integrity, Honesty. Transparency, Justice, Mercy and uphold the will of god for all his children of every race in every country, to achieve god realization and to rise to the Kingdom of God -All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
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