Sunday, June 2, 2024

"Aparada Ekadashi!" during this EKADASHI let's madidate on Satyam Param... This Earth is IMAAN she is Srimati Rhadarani Krsna!

 tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye 

This earth IMAAN is a place of wordship! This earth is god she is our mother, she is IMAAN god is able to take any form that she wants to take at anytime, god is a person with a transcendental body. god can take the form of a planet, god can take the form of the wind, god can take the form of fire, god can take the form of lakes, god can take the form of streams, god can take the form of rivers, god can take the form of the air, god is the ocean, god is the mountains, god can take the form of rocks, god can take the form of statues, god can take the form of images,  SHE can do anything SHE wants to do, god can take the forms of the clouds, god can take the form of the rain, god can take the form of lightning, god is the sound that you hear.  Krsna can take the form of dragons, Krsna can take the form of a lion, god is everything that you see and that you do not see,  god can take the form that holds all material universes together god can take the form of the entire spiritual sky! Lord Krsna is everything! god is IMAAN! This earth is Krsna, she has provided for us since our souls fell from grace  into the cycle of reincarnation and all that we have been programmed  to do is to hoard and to take and plunder from her and to fool ourselves into thinking that this earth is not god? but  just an object created to serve us and to be exploited . 

Nectar of instruction: Make a list of all the things that our mother earth IMAAN does for you personally and madidate on the absolute truth that this earth is god, then share your findings with someone else. 

Say this Affirmation everyday at anytime: Eternal mother earth IMAAN! Please forgive me I am so ignorant! I am so arrogant and unappreciative!!  I love you with all my heart with all my soul with all my strength! Thank you for everything! 

We human beings have been maliciously programmed by military scientists to abuse this earth and that we can merciless steal from this earth and that we can examinate and experiment with this earth and gather all of her resources to create technology to harm her and other living entities and to even go as far as to destroy her with nuclear energy. These ignorant arrogant faggot scientists  think that they are superior than the supreme personality of Godhead  cause of all causes and all that is the creator of the souls of all living entities the supreme absolute authority over this earth and all planets that he created with his wife Srimati Rhadarani IMAAN mother earth.

There was a time when we did not feel pain and we were able to have many transcendental abilities such as the ability to change into other forms effortlessly, for example we were able to change bodies for instance we were in the body of a human being and then we could change into the body of a dolphin and go swimming in the ocean and not be concern about being eaten alive by other animals. We could also travel to other galaxies without spaceships.  We did not have to eat, nor did we have to drink water. We did not have to shit or pee! We did not experience any form of pain in our transcendental bodies. We did not have sexual interactions with one another in the same sadistic  perverse and animalistic way  that human beings have sexual interactions with one another that includes raping and gang raping women and children and forcing women to become pregnant with children born out terror and pain. 

Before our souls fell from grace  we did not get sick and our bodies did not become old. We did not have to die or be born again into another material body. Shockingly, everything we do catches up to us, it may take a day, it make take a few years, it may take thousands or even billions of years, but for every action there is a reaction and we are held accountable for everything that we do.  

We abused our transcendental abilities that Lord Krsna gave  us and we inflicted pain into other living entities including blowing up planets. Similarly, to what the scientists  of our time have done to other living entities when experimenting with life in order to come up with new technology, while damaging humanity's connection with their god of their understanding in order to enslave them into a godless materialistic civilization and this only leads to more incarnations of pain and suffering. These ignorant women beating rapist scientists have ignored all the religious mandates and have positioned themselves as gods, because they ignorantly insist that the law of cause and effect is a fantasy movie  and because they have access to guns,  to biological weapons and to people that they have hired to protect them in order for them to continue their merciless experimentation with life and  to continue to steal and plunder natural resources at the expense of their own soul's demise an  humanity's well being and spiritual evolution.

When you feel pain in your human body know that the pain that you feel  was the pain that you caused  another living entity in previous incarnations. There was a time when we could turn our bodies into fire and not burn and now we have been reduced to a state of a parasitic human being and if our body is caught on fire, the agony of this death, is very gross and extremely painful. Hurting other living entities will keep you stuck in the cycle of reincarnation experiencing severe realities of pain and suffering!  For every cause there is an effect! All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga!

Affirmation: All I think about is how to please Lord Krsna!   


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