Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday's Darshan : "Lord Vishnu (lord Krsna) and his Wife Goddess Laksmi ( Srimati Rhadarani) are the parents of All Living Entities they are our Mother Earth IMAAN she is our Only Universal guru!

   tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

...If you live in regions of the world where military people are  about to start "War Games" "Conflicts" do your best to vacate these areas immediately! there are places in the world that will allow refugees to become part of their communities! Colombia, Venezuela,  Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Guyana,  Paraguay, Uruguay, El Salvador, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Cuba  are some of the  countries with thousands 'hectares' vacant farm land that need laborers and can  receive refugees that are able to contribute to the growth of these countries, refugees that will not create more problems for the citizens of these countries but rather help the economy of these countries by joining the workforce! 

Our heart chatters to bear witness to the horrible treatment of the civilian population at the mercy of ignorant greedy and very selfish military business men, who have zero regards for the safety and care of the world's civilian population. We are sickened to death and repulsed beyond words to read the articles and to see the video recordings of the millions of people who cannot leave some of the regions of this world that have become  terrifying war zones such as is the case of the Palestinian people that are still trapped in Gaza and used as human shields by the men that were hired and armed with weapons in order for them to be the Palestinian people's protectors, and to be their care takers or when we read about the  women beating rapist gang infested countries such as Haiti  gangs that were given weapons so they could easily rape, gang rape women and children.  Ask yourself who gave these rapists psychopaths weapons? and why are these black men attacking, and  raping innocent hardworking black women and black children? The black women and the black children from Haiti don't have a place to go, they are intentionally displaced from their homes and  denied refuge in the near by countries because they are black. What the Haitian women and children are going through is not karmic retribution but rather vicious merciless attacks by men who hate women.  In the year of 2024 blacks are still hurting other blacks and the ignorance of racism is still very much alive. In the year of 2024, we have thousands of very wealthy and  very greedy black people and educated black people who could care less about the good will and safety of other black communities within their own countries and least of all in countries such as Haiti, and these educated and very wealthy black people  have no problem reinforcing rape and gang rape as a way of life.  

 No matter how many protests and meetings are held to give  very reasonable simple and peaceful solutions to all the problems that this greedy and very selfish military business people create in every country while sacrificing the lives of the civilian population during their "war games" "conflicts". All of our proposals and solutions are ignored. It is clear beyond reasonable doubt that these greedy military business men are severely mentally ill and that they like to  hurt the  people that they are suppose serve and protect  and that the main targets of their brutal merciless sadistic aggression are always women and children of all races in every country.

No matter how attach you are to things and stuff, your  country, your culture, your traditions, the type of food that you eat, your music,  your religion, your language, your jobs, your routine, your house, your farm land,   your car, your church, your money,  what your parents told you, what your religious leaders taught you, what your doctor told you,  your memories, what someone promised you, what is written on paper,  what someone said to you? your friends, your co-workers, your conscience?   your resentments, your grudges, your hurt feelings, your opinion, your pride,  do your best to avoid conflicts and to prevent confrontations and if you are able to leave this war zones or the  regions of the world that are at the  brink of becoming all 'Out Warzones'  with No Rules of Engagement,  leave immediately if you can! 

Everyone deserves the right to have a peaceful dignified death! You don't have to be bullied, tortured,  raped or gang raped by anyone!  Death does not have to take the form of horrifying agony,  physical and psychological pain that involves kidnapping, torture, gang rape or rape! root yourself in Satyam Param... god provided us all the tools and the technology to live in peace and to protect ourselves from the attacks of psychopaths who like torturing and raping women and children of all races in every country  in every planet during times of "war games" "conflicts" and HE gave us the freedom to chose. 

Even though we are in this world because we did not do something great and we did horrible things to one another and to other living entities in previous incarnations! Even though  this world is a concentration camp a prison house for fallen souls  this does not mean that we have to create more suffering for one another or  become victims of the ignorance and the mental illness of  greedy and selfish military  business men! We do not have to deny our souls the legal right to transition out of our bodies in the most peaceful way possible while making atonement with god almighty Vishnu!

On this Holy Sunday! let's meditate on Emperor ParikSit the great Kuru King that fasted until his death while emersed in prayer and meditation of  Lord Vishnu's pastimes  and if we are plagued by envy let us envy Emperor's Pariksit's great fortune to have been able  RISE to the Kingdom Of God in peace and in harmony  surrounded by saints who understood that bullying, abusing women, torturing women, raping women and gang raping women will keep the souls that commit these grave crimes imprisoned in the cycle of birth and rebirth and that these acts of cruelty against the laws of god bring about severe and very painful karmic retribution to the souls of  the men that create, allow, support, participate, promote, reinforce, and legalize Violence Against Women of all races in every country in every planet during times of conflict.  -All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga!

About the Great Kuru King Emperor Pariksit: :

Este enlance le llevara a el playlist que tiene varios videos del  libro sacrado llamado Srimad Bhagavatan y la historia  del rey Pariksit junto con los santos que lo  acompañaron  en la ultima etapa de su vida cuando el rey decidio ayunar  hasta el momento que su alma abadono su cuerpo material!


visita este canal para encontrar mas grabaciones en español de todos los libros sacrados que revelan varias historias sobre las apariciones de El Senior Vishnu cuando EL estuvo presente en esta tierra en una de sus millones de formas avataras registrada en los libros sacrados como  "Lord Krsna" y de todo lo relacionado con el intendimiento de la conciencia de dios: 

Todas Las Glorias a Sri Guru y Sri Guranga! Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

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