Monday, July 1, 2024

"Yogini Ekadashi....!" During this ekadashi let's meditate on OM TAT SAT! OM TAT SAT is a "Key!"

    tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

        hari haraye namah krsna yadavaya namah                    yadavaya madhavaya kesavaya namah

gopala govinda rama sri-madhusudana giridhari gopinatha madana-mohana

  sri-caitanya-nityananda sri-advaita-sita hari guru vaisnava bhagavata

 sri-rupa sanatana bhatta-raghunatha sri-jiva gopala-bhatta dasa-raghunathaa 

Sri Sri Rhada Krsna Sri Narasimha Baghavan Praladha Maharaja Jagatha Puri   Key! (Jai!)

While  we are in the human bodies that are souls are currently occupying on this physical plane, on this planet Earth IMAAN, both men and women of all races in every country in every island, have been severely traumatized and disconnected from "the eternal god reality" OM TAT SAT! 

Men who blatantly ignore the Lord's commandments to NOT do harm to others, men disguised as religious men, and military business men have purposely corrupted all sacred knowledge and severed the connection that humanity has with their god of their understanding by intentionally  inflicting horrific merciless attacks directed towards women of all races in every country with the use of Kundalini Technology, and with the use of physical rape, gang rape, torture, and severe psychological bullying such as stealing women's property and displacing them from their homes! and forcing women to become prostitutes in their world wide network of sex trafficking, or forcing women to pay rent and mortgages for land that god loan to women for free, in order for women to reinstate themselves with their divinity as the Lord's servants and RISE to the Kingdom of god! Almighty god, Lord Vishnu(krsna) is the creator and  ONLY proprietor of all the planets, land,  and resources of all material planets and spiritual planets. OM TAT SAT

 Women of all races in every country are the foundation of all civilizations and the reason why humanity receives mercy from god Almighty. Attacking, raping and hurting innocent hardworking women of all races brings about severe and catastrophic karmic reactions! such as earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, tornados, extreme hurricanes,  famine, plagues. Men did not create the sun, the moon, the stars, men did not create this earth IMAAN, Men did not create the souls of  all living entities, men did not create the souls of planets! god almighty Lord Vishnu (Krsna) is the creator of ALL THAT IS. 

When we invoke  OM TAT SAT our conscious intent to recognize the eternal god reality  is COMFIRMED.  OM TAT SAT is a key that roots our connection with God All MIGHTY  "pure love" "eternal life" the god reality,  where goddess Laksmi (Srimati Rhadarani/ Mother Sarawati/Goddess Durga/ Goddess kali ) lives with her loyal faithful husband Lord Vishnu, they are our parents! our eternal spiritual family, our eternal friends, OM TAT SAT where all divinity lives and does not have to incarnate into worlds of suffering if they don't want to! OM TAT SAT is the "god reality!" "pure love" "eternal life"

 Even though the men that are currently holding all of us the civilian population hostages, that have  access to money and weapons, ignorant men who enjoy raping women and little girls and boys, and then they make "Hollywood Movies!" about their raping of women during the  massacres that they create on purpose, continue to ignore our plead to "Stop all these wars and conflicts and to STOP raping and hurting women! god almighty hears our pleads! god almighty mother earth IMAAN! OM TAT SAT

  god almighty is watching us, and listening to us!" god almighty listens to all our thoughts! We are transparent before god almighty! and everything we do matters, and everything we do is held into consideration once our soul leaves the current body that is currently occupying! god will not forget HIS children that stand on the path of righteousness!  HIS children that understand that hurting, raping, women, and USING WOMEN AND EXPLOITING WOMEN OF ALL RACES , and continuing to create more fear and terror  during their "conflicts" their "wargames" bring about a FATE worse than death, a FATE Worse than Death is having to incarnate again in this world, the souls of men that continue to insist that they are greater than god and choose to ignore god's commandments of not hurting others, and re affirm rape and gang rape of women, little girls,  boys, these men's souls will remain  stuck in the cycle of reincarnation for billions of years experiencing horrible realities. I wish I could change that fact of life but the Law of Cause and Effect is severe and we are held accountable for everything that we do! On this sacred YOGINI EKADASHI let's meditate on OM TAT SAT and let's hope that this severely mentally ill military business men and their religious partners change their mind and re establish their souls in the path of spiritual righteousness! It is up to each individual to figure it out, it is up to each individual to make their atonement with god almighty! You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink it!  All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! OM TAT SAT


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