Friday, August 30, 2024

AJA EKADASHI ..... ends at 6:36pm and 9am today

 Let's meditate on the sun God Surya  (Krsna) God alone is the supreme  absolute truth "Saktiman" , the only source of all potencies or energies.   

" Always, keep in mind that there are approximately 8,400,000 plus species of life, compose of intelligent beings that are part of the humanoid species and extra terrestrials (Galactics) that live with in our immediate universe, and our immediate universe is very small in relation to the limitless universes that exist and all intelligent life that has the ability to choose know of our current human civilization that is highly dangerous and parasitic. Raping with 'Kundalini Technology' is against the laws of God almighty the supreme authority over all living entities and  the creator of this earth and all material planets and the spiritual sky. Any living entity's soul that rapes with the use of kundalini technology falls into super lower bodies  and this is a fact of life that cannot be changed, the souls that participate in this form of activity are held accountable and said soul will  remain stuck in the cycle of reincarnation experiencing very painful life experiences!" 

"All living entities that  have been given the freedom to choose and have been given the conscious transcendental ability of being  able  to "communicate' whether with the use of verbal or telepathic communication "must" get permission before 'entering'  'taking'  invading or attaching him or herself to someone else's body, Human beings and extraterrestrials (Galactics)  have more intelligence than lower animals and possess the ability to reason, and these species of living entities are operating at a higher frequency than lower animals such as pigs, dogs, cats, roosters, insects,  neither men or women or extraterrestrials (Galactics)  are under the category of lower animals,  men , women and extra terrestrials (Galactics) are under the category of  human being or extraterrestrials (Galactics)  that means that these living entities must behave as such and not behave like pigs, dogs, cats, or roosters, in both the spiritual platform and the physical platform,   acting out of instinctual survival mechanisms and  even worst yet acting from a very sick unhealthy perverse ignorant selfish mind that chooses to destroy other living entities or to subdue  human female species  or galactics by inflicting trauma at the root chakra of female human species or Galactics (extraterrestrials)??  Obviously, this is a very grave crime judge by God almighty,  the only universal guru the only pope as the crime known as guru aparadha!!"

God Almighty IMAAN mother earth, has repeatedly told humanity that all races of living entities are his children and that we are one universal family! What this means is that the current programming of spiritual systematic rape and physical rape and gang rape of any human female or galactic  transgresses god almighty's universals laws and this brings about severe  karmic repercussions to all of humanity because we are all united under  ONE God indivisible with liberty and justice for all! No one has the right to interrupt or damage a women's connection with godalmighty IMAAN and to prevent  women from living an abundant peaceful godly life, no one has the legal right  to discourage women and men from having a connection with God almighty by using any form of bullying of slander,  psychological abuse, physical abuse.  All life on this earth lives  under the programming of temporary realities within  the cycle of reincarnation and every  human being or galactic is meant to reach the 'dynamic of immortality'   by becoming the Lord's surrender trusted servant.  Abusing power or one's transcendental abilities  and raping will always prolong the cycle of suffering  for individuals that support hurting, raping and exploiting women or Galactics and this overt behavior will bring about painful cataclysms Om Tat Sat 


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