Saturday, November 23, 2024

 I attest before all divinity to the sincerity, nobility, kind, loving,  trusting intelligent nature of all Latino people and our inherent transcendental ability to faithfully serve and love "God Almighty IMAAN the Sun! " and that we have been maliciously programmed with lies and heinous phycological and brutal physical torture for 100s of years, by the greedy selfish genocider biggot plaguers Satanist Zionist from Europe and the so called "West" and the other Greedy Ignorant rapists biggots in Asia in order to steal our devotion to "God Almighty Lord Krsna Narasimha Puri IMAAN The Sun!" in order to steal our divine inheritance of limitless abundance, and instead to force us into slavery, sexual depravation and evolutionary ruin!

 Latino people that have been forced out of their lands, strip of all their self esteem, and displaced all over the world. Latino people whose memory of their divine origin with "God Almighty IMAAN the Sun!" has been brutally Physically raped from them, with the use of systematic rape, heinous physical torture, used  by lying  biggots genociders plaguers, rapists Zionists Satanist cowards, that have maliciously programmed the mind of Latino men to continue to rape women, and little girls,  and to self destruct both spiritually and physically, while maintaining their countries in a complete state of economic decline, chaos, disunity and ruin! ( The inherent nature of a living entity be it a woman or a man  is goodness,  and when the mind of a man  is  programmed to act against the laws of GodAlmighty IMAAN the Sun, only ruin follows the man, the family, the friends, and the nations) I ask for the causeless mercy of God Almighty IMAAN to please forgive us and please deliver us from the severe oppression of these greedy selfish ignorant rapist genocider biggots plaguer faggots who are very articulate and professional at stealing and torturing defenceless women and children, Men who think that they are god? because they can beat up women and get them raped and tortured! "God Almighty IMAAN the Sun! Hagase Tu Voluntad! Om Tat Sat

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